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Port Glaud crèche stages stunning exhibition |17 September 2022

Port Glaud crèche stages stunning exhibition

Amary Savy (first prize)

The pupils of Port Glaud crèche 1 and 2 have been rewarded for the stunning exhibition they put up yesterday after working with their parents on two different themes – ‘Family Tree’ and ‘The Farm’.

The two classes of first year crèche had the theme ‘Family Tree’ to work on and the two classes of crèche 2 had to work on the theme ‘The Farm’.

“Since the past trimester, the children had to work with their parents on their respective projects and we were very happy to see the end products. In order to reward their effort, we decided to organise this exhibition. All children were rewarded and all the four teachers and their assistants were also recognised for their support,” shared Nelcia Lepathy, the crèche teacher in charge at Port Glaud.

For crèche 1, project ‘Family Tree’ – Class 1, the outstanding artworks went to Lucas Athanase, Darielle Larue and Aldwyn Samedi and for Class 2 the winners are Darion Dunienville, Hailey Port-Louis, Munirih Clothide.

For crèche 2, project ‘The Farm’ – Class 1, the winners are Hayden Confiance, Shael Marengo and Alvaro Adeline. For Class 2, the winners are Amary Savy, Liam Rigodon and Nelly Alphonse.

The parents were invited to come view the exhibition and admire the work of the little gems.

The accompanying photos show the work of the winners from each creche and class.

Vidya Gappy

Photos: Nelcia Lepathy

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