In the National Assembly |04 March 2020
Debates, amendments to the AML/CFT bill continue today
Members of the National Assembly yesterday continued with their debates and amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financial Terrorism (AML/CFT) bill during committee stage.
Chaired by the chairperson of the bills committee, Honourable Bernard Georges, the session was assisted by a panel consisting of the Minister for Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, the secretary of state for the same departments, Patrick Payet, Financial Services Authority chief executive Dr Steve Fanny, Financial Intelligence Unit director Richard Jacques Rampal and representatives from the Office of the Attorney General.
Different sections of the bill were examined and voted on in intervals and this expects to continue today.
The National Assembly is expected to approve the AML/CFT bill today so as to start the same process with the Beneficial Ownership bill.
Elsie Pointe